The Nest: Miniseries

Poster for The Nest: Miniseries

In this suspense-drama miniseries, a well-off couple in Glasgow are desparate for a child and come across an 18-year-old willing... More

Where to watch The Nest: Miniseries

The Nest: Miniseries is available to stream in the United... More Kingdom now on Amazon Video and Netflix and Disney+ and Google TV.

The Nest: Miniseries episodes

Episode 1.1

Episode 1

Two sides of Glasgow collide when a teenage girl makes... More a pact with a wealthy couple. But can Dan and Emily trust this girl with their last chance to have a child?

Episode 1.2

Episode 2

Tensions reach breaking point between Kaya, Dan and Emily. When... More Kaya loses control, Dan questions what he really knows about the girl he has invited into his home.

Episode 1.3

Episode 3

Tormented by what he now knows about Kaya, Dan is... More faced with an impossible decision. Emily starts to prepare for the arrival of the baby. Can Dan protect her from the truth?

Episode 1.4

Episode 4

Still reeling from the events at the prom, Emily makes... More a shocking discovery. A face from Kaya’s past reappears, but can she trust them, especially now she’s £50,000 richer?


Episode 5

Devastated that Kaya has revoked their rights to visit the... More baby, Dan launches a legal battle. But will his actions bring about his own downfall? Season finale.

The Nest: Miniseries | Trailers