Love Life: Season 1

Poster for Love Life: Season 1

Oscar nominee Anna Kendrick is in search for love - fleeting, lasting, frightening, glorious love - in the first... More

Where to watch Love Life: Season 1

Love Life: Season 1 is available to stream in the... More United Kingdom now on Amazon Video and Netflix and Apple TV Store and Google TV and BBC iPlayer and Microsoft.

Love Life: Season 1 episodes

Episode 1.1

Augie Jeong

After struggling to make romantic connections throughout her adolescence and... More college days, Darby finally falls in (requited) love.

Episode 1.2

Bradley Field

A year after Augie, Darby falls for her recently divorced... More boss, Bradley.

Episode 1.3

Danny Two Phones

Darby runs into an old flame and spends the rest... More of the day trying to get him off her mind.

Episode 1.4

Magnus Lund

Feeling empowered after her experience with Danny, Darby embarks on... More a noncommittal hookup bender, until she falls for up-and-coming chef Magnus.


Luke Ducharme

When a therapist encourages her to address her fear of... More rejection, Darby recalls being 15 and applying to boarding school to get her parents' attention.


Magnus Lund Part II

It's 2016 and Darby's now hitched. As her marriage becomes... More increasingly distant, Darby reconnects with someone from her past who's determined to make amends for his callous behavior.


Claudia Hoffman

When Darby has a medical scare, her overbearing mom, Claudia,... More comes to town to help. As mother-daughter tensions rise, we learn that Claudia's past relationship struggles may have rubbed off on Darby. Despite their differences, the two try their best to connect.


Sara Yang

The girls head upstate to celebrate Mallory's engagement. At the... More cabin, Darby struggles to get through to Sara as their paths continue to diverge.

Augie Again

After a "serendipitous" reunion, Darby and Augie find themselves falling... More into a comfortable, full-blown relationship (again). However, Darby is soon left wondering whether "comfortable" is enough.

The Person

Now an overextended gallery owner, Darby relishes some much-needed alone... More time during a friend's New Year's Eve wedding. The ceremony fosters a new appreciation for her perfectly imperfect life.

Love Life: Season 1 | Ratings & Reviews

"Kendrick's talents as a fierce, often biting, performer - who can channel powerful emotions into specific gestures and phrases - are wasted on Darby, who's painted purely in broad strokes."


"Love Life is borderline appalling in its familiarity... And yet, somehow, some way, Love Life avoids being a genre-reliant retread or wimpy conglomeration of plot points from better movies or shows"


"Love Life is a piece of content that makes for amiable company and that doesn't stand out as particularly grievous; as part of a library graded on capacity rather than curation, it fits right in."


"The semi-remarkable thing is how frequently Kendrick holds the show together. She's funny even when the scripts aren't, because Kendrick is a master of slightly askew line-readings."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"Love Life fails to live up to either of those expectations, offering rote observations about interpersonal relationships and shallow characterization."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"Series creator Sam Boyd takes us into a world in which love is at once tentative, earnest, intoxicating and doomed, where the music department goes with synths for sex and soulful tearjerkers for break-ups. The target audience should dig it."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"Even Kendrick's considerable talent and skill can't make up for the show's overall flimsiness."

"Just when a viewer thinks the show is mainly frosting with little to no cake, Love Life steers into far more substantial and surprising territory... Say what you must about Kendrick's trademark cutesiness, it's her acting chops that really pay off here."

The Washington PostThe Washington Post

Love Life: Season 1 | Details

Comedy, Romance
Country of origin

Love Life: Season 1 | Trailers

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