Grotesquerie: Season 1

Poster for Grotesquerie: Season 1

A series of heinous crimes have unsettled a small community. Detective Lois Tryon feels these crimes are eerily personal, as... More

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    Grotesquerie: Season 1 episodes

    Episode 1.1


    A gruesome crime rattles a small-town community.

    Episode 1.2

    True Crime Catholics

    Lois accepts the help of a nun to investigate the... More recent crimes.

    Episode 1.3

    The Bender

    Lois finds comfort in an unexpected person.

    Episode 1.4


    A strange clue sends Lois to a remote location.

    EPISODE 1.5

    Red Haze

    Lois finds herself one step closer to the killer.

    EPISODE 1.6

    Good Caesarean Work

    A heinous new discovery leads Lois to someone from her... More past.

    EPISODE 1.7


    Lois is forced to make a difficult decision.

    EPISODE 1.8

    Episode 8

    Lois accepts the help of a specialist.

    EPISODE 1.9

    Episode 9

    Lois contemplates a new future.

    EPISODE 1.10

    Episode 10

    Lois questions everything she thought she knew.

    Grotesquerie: Season 1 | Ratings & Reviews

    Grotesquerie: Season 1 | Trailers