Fire Country: Season 3

Poster for Fire Country: Season 3

A young convict joins a firefighting program looking for redemption and a shortened prison sentence, working alongside other inmates and... More

Where to watch Fire Country: Season 3

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    Fire Country: Season 3 episodes

    EPISODE 3.1

    What the Bride Said

    In the midst of Gabriela and Diego’s wedding, a helicopter... More crash ignites chaos and the team immediately jumps into action to stop fires and help victims.

    EPISODE 3.2

    Firing Squad

    Bode receives a life-changing opportunity that could impact his future... More as a firefighter.

    EPISODE 3.3

    Welcome to the Cult

    Bode and Gabriela consider confessing a huge secret they have... More been hiding.

    EPISODE 3.4

    Keep Your Cool

    Fire Country: Season 3 | Details

    Country of origin

    Fire Country: Season 3 | Trailers