The Crispin Glover Fan Art Competition

Off-kilter iconoclast, actor, writer, director and performer Crispin Hellion Glover is bringing his Big Slide Show and Film to Auckland’s Skycity Theatre on Tuesday March 19th.
Let’s celebrate Crispin’s arrival to New Zealand with a show of your devotion.
We want you to draw, illustrate, vectorise, sculpt, crayon, paint, lego (or in any way physically manifest) your fondness (and possibly obsession) for one of the worlds most unique actors.
And get this:
The winner will get to present the artwork to Crispin to sign personally.
You love him. We love him. Lets show him how much through your artistry. Your work can be inspired by him, his roles or his work. Do it to win or just do it for love.
Post your artwork to the Flicks Facebook page. The ten entries with the most likes when the competition closes will be shown to Crispin who will pick the winners. The geniuses behind Crispin’s favourite artworks will win:
Grand Prize:
2 x Tickets to the Skycity Show in Auckland on March 19th
Meet Crispin Glover & present your artwork to him (to sign)
Crispin DVD Pack courtesy of FATSO (Includes 5 Crispin movies)
Three x Runner Ups:
Crispin DVD Prize Pack courtesy of FATSO
Deadline: Tuesday March 12th – the sooner we get your artwork the more likes you’ll get…
Specs: Just post a large JPEG to the Facebook page
Your entry could look something like this:
Or something even nuttier that only you could come up with. Jump to it.