How to watch Saw X in the UK

You can’t keep a good serial killer down! Especially if the timeline of the franchise is completely jumbled. After two coolly-received attempted reboots we’re back—and back in time—with Saw‘s OG murderer in the 10th instalment of the little horror franchise that could.
How to watch Saw X in the UK
Saw X is in UK cinemas now.
What is Saw X about?
This one is an interquel, serving as a sequel to the original Saw and a prequel to Saw II. After learning of a potential miracle cure for his terminal cancer, John Kramer (Tobin Bell), aka Jigsaw, heads off to Mexico for treatment, because even serial killers deserve health care. Unfortunately, the whole thing is a scam, which is unfortunate for those who fall for it, and even more unfortunate for those who perpetrate it, given that our man takes a dim and almost inevitably fatal view of such shenanigans. Cue many grisly deaths involving fiendish Rube Goldberg devices.
The cast of Saw X
In addition to veteran character actor turned genre icon Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith is back as his overly enthusiastic apprentice, Amanda Young, with Synnøve Macody Lund, Steven Brand, Michael Beach, Renata Vaca, Paulette Hernandez, Octavio Hinojosa, and Joshua Okamoto on hand to suffer for our entertainment. Behind the camera, we have Kevin Greutert, who edited six preceding franchise entries as well as directing Saw VI and Saw 3D, calling the shots, working from a script by Josh Stolberg and Peter Goldfinger, who wrote the last couple.
Saw X trailer
What are the critics saying about Saw X?
After the last two efforts, perhaps the only way is up? While there have only been a few reviews at the time of writing, the general consensus seems to be that Saw X marks a return to form for the series. Critics have singled out the inventively gruesome murder sequences for praise, and lauded the return of Tobin Bell, who probably won’t have to worry too much about where his next paycheque is coming from if the box office proves favourable.