Exciting Movie News from Comic-Con 2013

As the glamour of geekdom that is Comic Con San Diego hangs its cape for another year, we look back at some of the movie-related news that hit the Con with a resounding KA-POW! Sequel announcements, first look trailers, panel discussions, you’ll find that below and more in our special Comic Con edition of Flicks’ news round-up.

Batman will appear in Man of Steel 2

In an act that was worthy of dropping the mic, Warner Bros. announced that the next Superman movie (scheduled for 2015) would feature Batman – one that isn’t Nolan’s Dark Knight. Director Zack Snyder made Comic Con erupt by bringing Man of Steel actor Harry Lennix on stage to read the following line from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns.

“I want you to remember, Clark, in all the years to come, in all your most private moments. I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember the one man who beat you.”


Avengers 2 named

Marvel couldn’t really top that, but they still garnered a respectable amount of interest with the official title announcement of the second phase of The Avengers. Named Avengers: Age of Ultron, it had many non-comic book fanatics asking “Ultr-who?” Hypable describe the supervillain quite nicely, but basically, he’s a self-replicating sentient robot created by Dr. Henry Pym (AKA. Ant-Man, who will get his own Edgar Wright-directed film in the years to come). While Ultron adopts Pym’s intellect, he gained none of his compassion. You can see where this is going…

Godzilla is making people excited

Legendary Entertainment did a great bit of marketing for their upcoming Godzilla by putting punters through the ‘Godzilla Experience’, most of whom were likely riding off the geek highs from Pacific Rim fumes. SlashFilm tells it best, though we don’t know why we tortured ourselves by watching this video of two guys telling us about an awesome thing we’re never going to experience.

First Image of Badass Caesar

If you loved Rise of the Planet of the Apes as much as we did, then this first-look image of Andy Serkis’ Caesar in war paint is bound to get you excited for the next installment Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Taking place a decade after the first, Dawn sees the enhanced apes reach a boiling point with the remaining humans that survived a devastating virus that wiped out a significant amount of the population.

(via Collider)


X-Men Assemble

The panel for Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Days of Future Past (which you can see here) brought so much star-power that we’re surprised the stage didn’t collapse. We could spend the next month writing who appeared on the panel, but this tweet from Singer says it all.

Trailers and things

To polish this summary off, here’s a video dump of things worth watching. Includes a big thank you from the Veronica Mars kickstarted initiative, a fresh Kick-Ass 2 trailer and Tom Hiddleston’s Loki taking over Hall H.