The directors of Wreck-It Ralph and Tangled team up for this Disney family animated comedy set in a world...
The directors of Wreck-It Ralph and Tangled team up for this Disney family animated comedy set in a world where humans never existed, leaving the Earth populated with walking, talking, texting animals of all different breeds.
Ginnifer Goodwin (Once Upon a Time) voices Judy Hopps, a bright and motivated bunny looking to make a difference by being the first rabbit police officer. Looking to prove her worth to the unconvinced chief of police, she takes on a missing person’s case. Unfortunately for her, she needs the help of a sly and uncooperative fox, voiced by Jason Bateman (Arrested Development). As the clues start to roll in, the pair gets a whiff of something sinister underlying Zootopia, but just when the case appears to be cracked, the city and all its citizens face an even greater threat…
Also features a track from pop singer Shakira, who voices a gazelle in the film named, erm, Gazelle.
Where to watch Zootopia
Zootopia | Details
- Award winner
- Best Animated Film, Academy Awards 2017 and Golden Globes 2017
- Rating
- PG, mild threat
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Comedy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin