Documentary on the much-maligned Paul Verhoeven film Showgirls, tracing its journey from disastrous critical and public reaction upon release through...
Documentary on the much-maligned Paul Verhoeven film Showgirls, tracing its journey from disastrous critical and public reaction upon release through to a period of reappraisal.
"Showgirls’ reputation has been resuscitated in the intervening 24 years, and conceding one’s admiration for Nomi Malone’s sordid tale is no longer the admission of questionable taste it once signified. You Don’t Nomi brilliantly draws on archival footage of Showgirls’ production, revealing interviews with the major players, and surprisingly thoughtful conversations with the cinephiles who are leading the charge in the film’s redemptive journey from a notorious flop to cult classic. Is it a masterpiece? Or is it a piece of sh-t? McHale’s addictive documentary argues for a third designation: the masterpiece of sh-t." (Tribeca Film Festival)
Where to watch You Don't Nomi
You Don't Nomi | Details
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin