Brad Pitt stars in this blockbuster horror as a U.N. employee called upon to establish the origins of a zombie...
Brad Pitt stars in this blockbuster horror as a U.N. employee called upon to establish the origins of a zombie pandemic. As he travels from the U.S. to Israel, Korea and Wales in search of answers, cities and nations fall under the onslaught of undead, leaving mankind's slim hope of survival resting on his shoulders. Based on the best-selling novel, from the director of Quantum of Solace.
Gerry (Pitt) has retired, but his skills as a U.N. investigator are the only reason he and his family are plucked from the zombie chaos in Philadelphia. Lane is pressed back into service and asked to travel the globe looking for the origins of the zombie outbreak. As he travels he finds himself in one life-threatening situation after another - from a Jerusalem laid siege to a Korean air force base gone suspiciously silent, and even a mid-air zombie encounter. To save his family and humanity, Lane will have to survive increasingly vicious events as well as solving what seems to be an unexplainable unnatural phenomenon.
Where to watch World War Z
World War Z | Details
- Runtime
- 116
- Genre
- Action, Horror, Science Fiction
- Country of origin