The 1971 family classic with Gene Wilder as candy mogul Wonka. Roald Dahl's tale sees poor young Charlie win a...
The 1971 family classic with Gene Wilder as candy mogul Wonka. Roald Dahl's tale sees poor young Charlie win a trip to the most eccentric chocolate factory. The world is astounded when Wonka, for years a recluse in his factory, announces that five lucky souls will be given a tour of the factory - shown all the secrets of his amazing empire, and one will win a lifetime supply of Wonka chocolate. Finding a golden ticket in one a Wonka chocolate bar, young Charlie is chosen as one of the five along with Veruca Salt, Mike Teevee, Violet Beauregarde and Augustus Gloop.
Where to watch Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory | Details
- Runtime
- 100
- Genre
- Adventure, Kids & Family, Musical
- Country of origin