Studio Ghibli animated drama based on the novel by Joan G Robinson and directed by Hiroasa Yonebayashi, following up his...
Studio Ghibli animated drama based on the novel by Joan G Robinson and directed by Hiroasa Yonebayashi, following up his 2010 directorial debut Arrietty. Rumoured to be the studio's last production.
When isolated Anna spends the summer in a sleepy town by the sea, away from her foster home, she encounters Marnie, a non-judgemental girl who befriends her. Anna grows to treasure and adore this newfound friendship, but it appears Marnie is connected to her in ways she may not realise…
Where to watch When Marnie Was There
When Marnie Was There | Details
- Rating
- U, very mild threat, scenes of emotional distress
- Runtime
- 103
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Japan