Ambitious young New Yorker, Beth (Kristen Bell), is in Rome for her sister's wedding. Disillusioned with love, she makes a...
Ambitious young New Yorker, Beth (Kristen Bell), is in Rome for her sister's wedding. Disillusioned with love, she makes a wish in a "fountain of love" and magically ignites the passion of an odd group of suitors: a sausage magnate (Danny DeVito), a street magician (Napoleon Dynamite's Jon Heder), an adoring painter (Arrested Development's Will Arnett) and a self-admiring model (Dax Shepard). But when a charming reporter (Transformers' Josh Duhamel) pursues her with equal zest, how will she know if his love is the real thing?
Where to watch When in Rome
When in Rome | Details
- Runtime
- 91
- Genre
- Country of origin