Julianne Moore, Alexander Skarsgård and Steve Coogan star in this contemporary retelling of the Henry James novel, revolving around a...
Julianne Moore, Alexander Skarsgård and Steve Coogan star in this contemporary retelling of the Henry James novel, revolving around a sensitive seven-year-old girl living amidst the increasingly bitter divorce of her parents and the custody battle that ensues.
Aging rock star Susanna (Moore) and contemporary art dealer Beale (Coogan) are too self-involved to notice their neglect and inadequacy as parents - their fight for Maisie being just another battle in an epic war of personalities. As they raise the stakes with inappropriate new partners, the ex-nanny Margo (Joanna Vanderham) and the much younger bartender Lincoln (Skarsgård), the shuffling of Maisie (Onata Aprile) from household to household becomes more and more callous, the consequences more and more troubling.
Where to watch What Maisie Knew
What Maisie Knew | Details
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin