Jean-Claude Van Damme makes his (intentional) comedy debut as unhinged former marine Storm Rothchild. Now a motivational guru, he leads...
Jean-Claude Van Damme makes his (intentional) comedy debut as unhinged former marine Storm Rothchild. Now a motivational guru, he leads a group of office workers - including Adam Brody (The O.C.), Rob Huebel (The Descendants) and Kristen Schaal (Flight of the Conchords) - on a work retreat to a desert island, intended to build company spirit. When their pilot turns up dead, the team turns on each other and the team-building exercise escalates to a Lord of the Flies situation.
Where to watch Welcome to the Jungle
Welcome to the Jungle | Details
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- Puerto Rico, USA, UK