A troubled pre-teen girl struggles with unattentive parents and school bullies in this Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winning drama from Todd...
A troubled pre-teen girl struggles with unattentive parents and school bullies in this Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winning drama from Todd Solondz (Happiness).
The middle child between her nerdy older brother Mark and her perky younger sister Missy, Dawn (Heather Matarazzo) can't find a place to belong. Although she has a crush on a cute boy (Eric Mabius), she can only catch the attention of bully Brandon (Brendan Sexton Jr.), who threatens her to show affection.
Where to watch Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to the Dollhouse | Details
- Award winner
- Winer of the C.I.C.A.E. Award (Forum of New Cinema), 1996 Berlin International Film Festival; Grand Jury Prize (Dramatic), 1996 Sundance Film Festival
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin