Unlike any animated film you'll have seen before, Waltz with Bashir is a drawn documentary based on filmmaker Ari Folman's...
Unlike any animated film you'll have seen before, Waltz with Bashir is a drawn documentary based on filmmaker Ari Folman's own experiences, as a drafted Israeli soldier in abetting a 1982 massacre of Palestinian refugees during the Lebanon War.
While trying to work his way out of a severe depression from the war, Folman contacted many of his former military comrades, along with a psychiatrist friend and a neurologist who specializes in memory impairment. The film combines pieces of these interviews with fragmentary episodes drawn from their memories and dreams.
To read more on the Sabra and Shatila massacres, see here.
Where to watch Waltz with Bashir
Waltz with Bashir | Details
- Award winner
- Best Foreign Film - Golden Globes 2009. Best Documentary - Directors Guild Awards 2009.
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography, War
- Country of origin
- Israel, France, Germany