Realistic, CG animated family adventure from BBC Earth follows three Pachyrhinosaurus dinosaurs named Patchi, Scowler, and Juniper from infancy to...
Realistic, CG animated family adventure from BBC Earth follows three Pachyrhinosaurus dinosaurs named Patchi, Scowler, and Juniper from infancy to adulthood. Based on the BBC's 1999 mini-series of the same name that simulated the style of a nature documentary with animated dinosaurs.
Like the mini-series, Walking with Dinosaurs utilises computer animation technology and paleontological studies to create the Late Cretaceous period. The settings are real and filmed in Alaska (close to where the Pachyrhinosaurus originally lived), with extra footage shot in New Zealand.
Where to watch Walking with Dinosaurs
Walking with Dinosaurs | Details
- Rating
- U, Contains mild threat and violence
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Adventure, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- USA, UK, Australia