Jean-Luc Godard’s third feature, and the second to star wife and muse Anna Karina. Twelve episodic tales in the life of...
Jean-Luc Godard’s third feature, and the second to star wife and muse Anna Karina. Twelve episodic tales in the life of a 20-year-old woman (Karina) and her slow descent into prostitution, set against 1960s modern, urban Paris. While not one of Godard's most famous works, Vivre Sa Vie - thanks to its use of cinema verite and other New Wave aesthetic approaches - is considered amongst his finest works by critics.
Vivre Sa Vie | Details
- Award winner
- Pasinetti and Special Jury Prize winner at Venice Film Festival 1962.
- Runtime
- 83
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France