Cara Delevingne (Suicide Squad) and Dane DeHaan (Chronicle) lead this galactic sci-fi adventure from Luc Besson (The Fifth Element), based...
Cara Delevingne (Suicide Squad) and Dane DeHaan (Chronicle) lead this galactic sci-fi adventure from Luc Besson (The Fifth Element), based on the classic graphic novel series that's inspired countless films including Star Wars. Also stars Clive Owen (Children of Men) and Rihanna.
Valerian (DeHaan) and Laureline (Delevingne) are special operatives for the government of the human territories charged with maintaining order throughout the universe. Valerian has more in mind than a professional relationship with his partner - blatantly chasing after her with propositions of romance. But his extensive history with women, and her traditional values, drive Laureline to continuously rebuff him.
Under directive from their Commander (Owen), Valerian and Laureline embark on a mission to the breathtaking intergalactic city of Alpha, an ever-expanding metropolis comprised of thousands of different species from all four corners of the universe. Alpha’s seventeen million inhabitants have converged over time - uniting their talents, technology and resources for the betterment of all. Unfortunately, not everyone on Alpha shares in these same objectives; in fact, unseen forces are at work, placing our race in great danger.
Where to watch Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets | Details
- Rating
- 12A, moderate violence, sex references, language
- Runtime
- 137
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- France