Black comedy about Nige, his best mate Deano, and their inept efforts to cover up an accidental death after a...
Black comedy about Nige, his best mate Deano, and their inept efforts to cover up an accidental death after a hit and run. Stars Flight of the Conchords' Bret McKenzie and Hamish & Andy's Hamish Blake. Directed by Robert Sarkies (Scarfies, Out of the Blue), based on a novel written by his brother Duncan.
Nige (McKenzie) runs over and accidently kills a Scandinavian soccer star in an unfortunate incident involving a hot meat pie, a ginger cat and a policeman. He chucks the body in a nearby road-works hole and runs to his best mate of 15 years, Deano (Blake). But Deano's not the guy you should turn to in a crisis...
Two Little Boys | Details
- Award winner
- Winner Best Editing and Best Visual Effects at the NZ Film Awards 2012.
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- New Zealand