Critically acclaimed French drama about a 10-year-old girl who assumes a male identity to fit in when her family move...
Critically acclaimed French drama about a 10-year-old girl who assumes a male identity to fit in when her family move to a small village. The film has won numerous awards at Gay and Lesbian film festivals around the world.
"Confirming the talent shown in her debut Water Lilies, Céline Sciamma explores children’s notions of gender and identity. 10-year-old Laure and her family have just moved to a new neighbourhood. Her mother is heavily pregnant with a third child, a baby brother for Laure and little sister Jeanne. Androgynous Laure hovers between childhood and something else, still romping around at home with giggly Jeanne in her thrall, but also keen to strike out on her own and enjoy what’s left of the summer holidays. When Lisa, a next-door neighbour Laure’s age, asks Laure her name, she forthrightly responds ‘Michaël’. Soon Michaël, barechested and bold, is playing soccer with the local boys. However, trying out boys’ stuff requires deception that Laure will have difficulty maintaining." (Source: NZ International Film Festival 2011)
Where to watch Tomboy
Tomboy | Details
- Award winner
- Best Film with LGBT Themes at Berlin Film Festival, 2011. Golden Duke winner at the 2011 Odessa International Film Festival. Audience Award winner at San Fransisco Frameline Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. Best Feature Film at Philadelphia QFest Lesbian and Gay Film Festival 2011.
- Runtime
- 84
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France