Disney's fourth CG-animated Tinker Bell movie, following Tink (based on the character from J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan books) and her...
Disney's fourth CG-animated Tinker Bell movie, following Tink (based on the character from J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan books) and her fairy friends who live in the wee land of Pixie Hollow.
When her wings begin to glow, Tinker Bell breaks the rules and secretly journeys into the Winter Woods. There, she hopes to find The Keeper, the mysterious author of fairy lore who may know the secret of the wings. This leads her to a discovery: her long-lost sister Periwinkle. The voice cast includes Anjelica Huston as Queen Clarion, Mae Whitman as Tinker, and Timothy Dalton as Lord Milori.
Where to watch Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings
Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings | Details
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Adventure
- Country of origin