In a fully archival film, co-directors Brian Becker and Marley McDonald document the countdown to Y2K against the backdrop of...
In a fully archival film, co-directors Brian Becker and Marley McDonald document the countdown to Y2K against the backdrop of the mass hysteria that infiltrated everything from politics to pop culture.
As the year 2000 approached, rumblings started to spread outside of the world of computer engineers and into the mainstream consciousness about a ubiquitous glitch in computer code that meant when the year turned from “1999” to “2000,” all computers would reset to “1900” and the world’s systems would malfunction, grinding to a halt. Doomsday prepper communities started to proliferate and businesses popped up with products, books, and any way to make a quick buck off the looming disaster. Time Bomb Y2K is a wild ride through the final days of the ’90s and a compelling portrait of a turning point in the digital revolution.
Where to watch Time Bomb Y2K
Time Bomb Y2K | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 81
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Studio