Ridley Scott drama following two friends off on a simple road trip before a sequence of nightmarish events turns them...
Ridley Scott drama following two friends off on a simple road trip before a sequence of nightmarish events turns them into wanted criminals. Stars Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon and Brad Pitt.
Thelma (Davis) is the victim of an attempted rape until Louise (Sarandon) intervenes, killing the scumbag. Deciding no-one will believe their innocence, the pair go on the run, and are forced to embark on a crime spree after a sexual encounter with a hot young dude (Pitt) results in the theft of Louise's life savings. As the attention of the authorities escalates and the two women increasingly take their lives into their own hands, it's difficult for the pair to see a way out...
Where to watch Thelma & Louise
Thelma & Louise | Details
- Award winner
- Best Original Screenplay, Academy Awards 1991; Best Screenplay - Motion Picture, Golden Globes 1991.
- Runtime
- 130
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin