Winner of Best Documentary at Tribeca Film Festival 2012, The World Before Her follows two young women on divergent paths in...
Winner of Best Documentary at Tribeca Film Festival 2012, The World Before Her follows two young women on divergent paths in rapidly modernising India - one wants to win the Miss India beauty pageant, the other is a fierce Hindu Nationalist undertaking military training and preparing to kill for her beliefs.
"Twenty hand-picked contestants for the Miss India pageant enter an intense month-long beauty boot camp in Bombay. Winning the coveted title means instant stardom, a lucrative career and freedom from the constraints of a patriarchal society. In another corner of India, young girls undergo physical combat training and learn how to be obedient Hindu women at a camp run by the women’s branch of the militant fundamentalist movement. As massive change sweeps through India, control over women and their behaviour is at the epicentre of a violent clash between Western modernity and age-old patriarchal traditions." (HotDocs Film Festival Vancouver)
Where to watch The World Before Her
The World Before Her | Details
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Canada