Hugh Jackman returns as the Wolverine (from 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine). Logan travels to present-day Japan where he engages an old...
Hugh Jackman returns as the Wolverine (from 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine). Logan travels to present-day Japan where he engages an old acquaintance, while an offer of mortality introduces him to a battle with samurai, his inner demons and his ultimate nemesis. Based on the heralded 1982 comic arc by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller.
Experienced action director James Mangold (3:10 to Yuma) directs this sixth X-Men movie, having replaced original helmer Darren Aronofsky who left the project due to delays. The screenplay has gone through revisions by three scribes, who have collectively written Total Recall (2012), Minority Report and The Usual Suspects.
Where to watch The Wolverine
The Wolverine | Details
- Runtime
- 126
- Genre
- Action, Science Fiction
- Country of origin