A mockumentary rom-com, from the director of Calendar Girls, following the antics leading up to an English society wedding as captured...
A mockumentary rom-com, from the director of Calendar Girls, following the antics leading up to an English society wedding as captured by the groom's brother.
Shambolic oaf Raif (Rufus Hound) is asked to be his brother's best man. His gift to the happy couple will be a video of their wedding. His film is this film – the final edited version with music, live action, interviews, the works. His brother Tim (Robert Webb) is marrying Saskia (Lucy Punch), one of Britain's Cheshire Set ("the English Beverly Hills"). As they contend with unwanted help, a pill-popping wedding planner and the sheer scale of the wedding industry in the 21st century, the Bride, Groom and Best Man realise the sun is rising on the most outlandish, garish wedding in Cheshire history. And they’re the stars.
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