This possession-based horror produced by Transformers FX-maniac Michael Bay sees a young girl locked in a battle with an evil...
This possession-based horror produced by Transformers FX-maniac Michael Bay sees a young girl locked in a battle with an evil spirit called a dybbuk. Dybbuks inhabit people’s bodies so they can remain in the realm of the living and physically manifest themselves. The girl is played by Odette Yustman, best known for her role in Cloverfield, while Gary Oldman (Sid & Nancy, Dracula and lots more) plays Rabbi Sendak, who attempts to exorcise the nasty little blighter. Writer-director David S. Goyer also wrote the stories for The Dark Knight and Batman Begins.
Where to watch The Unborn
The Unborn | Details
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Horror
- Country of origin