Reboot of the action series created by Luc Besson and previously led by Jason Statham, who now hands over the...
Reboot of the action series created by Luc Besson and previously led by Jason Statham, who now hands over the keys to Ed Skrein (iLL Manors).
Frank Martin, a former special-ops mercenary, now lives a less perilous life transporting classified packages for questionable people. When Frank's father (Ray Stevenson) pays him a visit in the south of France, their father-son bonding weekend takes a turn for the worse when Frank is engaged by a cunning femme-fatale, Anna (Loan Chabanol), and her three seductive sidekicks to orchestrate the bank heist of the century.
Where to watch The Transporter Refueled
The Transporter Refueled | Details
- Rating
- 15, strong violence, injury detail
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Action, Thriller
- Country of origin
- France, China