The Farrelly Brothers (Dumb and Dumber) reboot the legendary trio of buffoonery. While trying to save their childhood orphanage, Moe, Larry...
The Farrelly Brothers (Dumb and Dumber) reboot the legendary trio of buffoonery. While trying to save their childhood orphanage, Moe, Larry and Curly inadvertently stumble into a murder plot and wind up starring in a reality TV show.
Chris Diamantopoulos (The Kennedys) is Moe, Will Sasso (Best In Show) is Curly and Sean Hayes (30 Rock) is Larry. Also stars Glee’s Jane Lynch and Modern Family’s Sofia Vergara. Making cameos are NBA giant Dwight Howard, Larry David and infamous Jersey Shore lasses Jenni Farley and Snooki.
Where to watch The Three Stooges
The Three Stooges | Details
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Comedy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin