Based on the novel by T. H. White, this animated Disney adaptation of the classic medieval fable chronicles King Arthur's...
Based on the novel by T. H. White, this animated Disney adaptation of the classic medieval fable chronicles King Arthur's humble beginnings.
An orphaned child, Arthur (Richard and Robert Reitherman), then known as Wart, wants to help his foster brother, Kay (Norman Alden), become a knight. While helping Kay train, Wart stumbles upon the talented wizard Merlin's (Karl Swenson) cabin. Convinced that Wart is bound for greatness, Merlin takes him under his wing to ready him for the eventual role of a great leader.
Where to watch The Sword in the Stone
The Sword in the Stone | Details
- Runtime
- 79
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids & Family, Musical
- Country of origin