As the 2011 Egyptian Revolution unfolds, this Netflix documentary - nominated for the Best Documentary Oscar - chronicles the drama of...
As the 2011 Egyptian Revolution unfolds, this Netflix documentary - nominated for the Best Documentary Oscar - chronicles the drama of young people on the streets of Cairo claiming their rights and struggling through multiple forces: from the army dictatorship willing to crush protesters, to a corrupt Muslim Brotherhood using mosques to manipulate voters and creating a society of conscience. As two governments topple, the personal stories of the freedom fighters unfold in "a tribute to the power of citizenship".
Where to watch The Square (2013)
The Square (2013) | Details
- Award winner
- Amnesty International Film Prize winner at Berlin Film Festival 2014; Audience Award winner (Documentary) at Sundance Film Festival 2013; People's Choice Award winner at Toronto Film Festival 2013
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Egypt, USA