A young film student (Honor Swinton-Byrne) becomes involved with an untrustworthy man in this Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winning drama. Co-stars...
A young film student (Honor Swinton-Byrne) becomes involved with an untrustworthy man in this Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winning drama. Co-stars Honor's mum, Tilda.
"Between script pitches and camera setups, Julie hosts a film-school cohort party where she meets a mysterious man named Anthony. A few days later, Anthony invites Julie to a grand hotel and asks to stay with her for a few days. Thus begins Julie’s first serious love affair. Ignoring her friends and borrowing large amounts of money from her parents, Julie surrenders to the relationship and prioritizes Anthony’s needs." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch The Souvenir
The Souvenir | Details
- Award winner
- Grand Jury Prize winner (World Cinema, Dramatic) at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival.
- Runtime
- 120
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin