Drama follows a self-taught scientist and inventor of the profession "house tuner". Peter (Peter Sarsgaard) treats his clients' psychological problems...
Drama follows a self-taught scientist and inventor of the profession "house tuner". Peter (Peter Sarsgaard) treats his clients' psychological problems by changing their home acoustics—and, hopefully, their moods. Peter's success rate is pretty good, until he meets Ellen (Rashida Jones), whose exhaustion he can't seem to fix.
"Adapting their short film Palimpsest (Special Jury Prize, 2013 Sundance Film Festival), writer/director Michael Tyburski and writer/producer Ben Nabors have created an elegant, lyrical film marked by a subtle unfolding of story and a gentle approach to character, disquietude, and human connection. Peter is a mesmerizing figure. Mannered, meticulous, methodical, he’s shaken when the years he’s spent mapping New York’s natural harmonies come into question. The Sound of Silence is a serene contemplation of people living in their modern environment—and their desire to understand and even control it." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch The Sound of Silence (2019)
The Sound of Silence (2019) | Details
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin