Playing against type in this drama, Kristen Wiig (Bridesmaids) and Bill Hader (Superbad) are estranged twins, living distant lives from...
Playing against type in this drama, Kristen Wiig (Bridesmaids) and Bill Hader (Superbad) are estranged twins, living distant lives from one another on opposite sides of the U.S. After not having seen each other for a decade, the twins coincidentally cheat death on the same day, and they reunite in an effort to work out how their lives went so wrong. For Maggie (Wiig), that means examining her unhappy marriage to Lance (Luke Wilson), while Milo (Hader) tracks down Rich (Ty Burrell) to examine their shared past.
"Craig Johnson’s second feature sensitively explores these lives of quiet desperation with remarkable finesse. It unfolds a rich backstory through subtle interactions between its characters and finds the agility to be funny, melancholic, touching, and devastating within the space of a single scene. Kristin Wiig and Bill Hader give astonishing, dramatic performances. Their connection to the characters and to each other is magical…and funny (Maggie cleaning Milo’s teeth proves that nothing promotes sibling reconciliation like nitrous oxide)." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch The Skeleton Twins
The Skeleton Twins | Details
- Award winner
- Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award, Sundance Film Festival 2014
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin