A girl (Dixie Egerickx, The Little Stranger) discovers a magical garden at her uncle's house in this family fantasy based...
A girl (Dixie Egerickx, The Little Stranger) discovers a magical garden at her uncle's house in this family fantasy based on the classic children's novel. Co-stars Julie Walters and Colin Firth.
When a young orphan is sent to live with her uncle (Colin Firth) and his strict housekeeper (Julie Walters) in a mysterious country mansion, she discovers an enchanted garden that has long been hidden. Together with a local boy, her sick cousin and a stray dog, she explores the limitless wonderland, unlocking secrets from the past which reveal a whole new life of hope and friendship.
Where to watch The Secret Garden (2020)
The Secret Garden (2020) | Details
- Rating
- PG, Mild scary scenes, threat
- Runtime
- 99
- Genre
- Drama, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- France, UK