Veteran Italian filmmaker Pupi Avati (A Heart Elsewhere) returns with a gentle, comedic drama set in post-war Italy. Giordano (Antonio...
Veteran Italian filmmaker Pupi Avati (A Heart Elsewhere) returns with a gentle, comedic drama set in post-war Italy. Giordano (Antonio Albanese) gets the chance to relive his adolescent infatuation with his sister-in-law Lilliana (Opera singer Katia Ricciarelli) when she returns to the family estate in the South as a war-widow. Pressured by the poverty of the immediate post-war period and her sly son Nino (Neri Marcorè) who harbours expensive filmmaking dreams, she accepts his proposal to see if there is any love left in her for Giordano.
The Second Wedding Night | Details
- Runtime
- 110
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Italy