The classic 1931 crime drama from Oscar-winning director William Wellman (A Star is Born), starring James Cagney as Tommy, a...
The classic 1931 crime drama from Oscar-winning director William Wellman (A Star is Born), starring James Cagney as Tommy, a mobster on the rise, and Jean Harlow as love interest Gwen. Nominated for Best Original Screenplay at the 1931 Academy Awards.
From their teenage years onwards Tommy and his best pal Matt have lived rewarding lives as law-disobeying citizens, turning a respectable profit bootlegging during the Prohibition era. But when one of their fellow gangsters dies in a freak accident, a rival mob seizes the opportunity to take over their bootlegging business. With the threat of a gang war looming, Tom decides to deal with the issue himself.
Where to watch The Public Enemy
The Public Enemy | Details
- Runtime
- 83
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin