The melancholic tale of the friendship between a Syrian refugee and a restaurant-owner. Winner of the Berlinale Silver Bear for...
The melancholic tale of the friendship between a Syrian refugee and a restaurant-owner. Winner of the Berlinale Silver Bear for Best Director.
"Khaled (Sherwan Haji), a young Syrian refugee, arrives in Helsinki as a stowaway and applies for asylum. Meanwhile, travelling salesman Wikström (Sakari Kuosmanen) decides to change his life, and invests in an unprofitable restaurant. When the authorities deny Khaled's application for asylum, he decides to stay on illegally, and it is then that he meets Wikström outside the restaurant. After a minor disagreement, Khaled is hired to work in the restaurant and finally finds some refuge, but it's far from permanent. [Director] Kaurismäki says that the film is an attempt to shatter the "way of only seeing refugees as either pitiful victims or arrogant economic immigrants invading our societies." With his unique sense of humour and fundamentally optimistic vision of the world, he achieves a great deal more than that." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch The Other Side of Hope
The Other Side of Hope | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Silver Berlin Bear for Best Director, 2017 Berlin International Film Festival
- Runtime
- 100
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Finland, Germany