Will Arnett (Arrested Development) voices Surly, the stick-in-the-mud squirrel at the center of this animated family heist film. Exiled from...
Will Arnett (Arrested Development) voices Surly, the stick-in-the-mud squirrel at the center of this animated family heist film. Exiled from the park he called home, Surly is struggling to get by in the city's concrete jungle. The furry curmudgeon gets a gang together, including his dim-witted rat friend Buddy, and attempts an elaborate robbery of a nut store that could save his former home. Co-stars the voice talents of Brendan Fraser, Katherine Heigl and Liam Neeson.
Where to watch The Nut Job
The Nut Job | Details
- Runtime
- 105
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Canada, South Korea