Aki Kaurismäki brings numerous themes from his filmography together in this 2002 tale about a man with amnesia who begins...
Aki Kaurismäki brings numerous themes from his filmography together in this 2002 tale about a man with amnesia who begins life anew.
"A stranger in town is robbed, beaten and left for dead. He can’t remember his past, and has to start again. Markku Peltola plays the newcomer who experiences the comfort of strangers and makes his home in a shipping container. Kati Outinen is a member of the Salvation Army who becomes his companion. He also adopts a supposedly savage dog named Hannibal and encourages the Army’s band to play rock ’n’ roll." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch The Man Without a Past
The Man Without a Past | Details
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- Finland, Germany, France