CG animated adaptation of the genius Dr. Seuss book about the Lorax, a stout, mustachioed critter who "speaks for the...
CG animated adaptation of the genius Dr. Seuss book about the Lorax, a stout, mustachioed critter who "speaks for the trees". From the animation studio who made Despicable Me. The directors wrote the screenplay for the last Dr. Seuss movie, Horton Hears a Who!
Young Ted (voiced by Zac Efron) tries to find the one thing that will win him the affection of the girl of his dreams (Taylor Swift). To do so, he needs to discover the story of the Lorax (Danny DeVito) who defends the Truffula trees and their wee inhabitants from the greedy entrepreneurship of The Once-ler (Ed Helms).
Where to watch The Lorax
The Lorax | Details
- Runtime
- 86
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin