A blend of fictional and documentary form, a cinematic journey into the beauty of war-tormented Afghanistan. Shot over five years...
A blend of fictional and documentary form, a cinematic journey into the beauty of war-tormented Afghanistan. Shot over five years on 16mm film by debut director Pieter-Jan De Pue.
"Paints a whimsical yet haunting look at the condition of Afghanistan left for the next generation. As American soldiers prepare to leave, we follow De Pue deep into this hidden land where young boys form wild gangs to control trade routes, sell explosives from mines left over from war, and climb rusting tanks as playgrounds—making the new rules of war based on the harsh landscape left to them. De Pue’s transportative and wonderfully crafted film confronts the visceral beauty and roughness of survival, serving as a testament to the spirited innovation of childhood and the extreme resilience of a people and country." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch The Land of the Enlightened
The Land of the Enlightened | Details
- Award winner
- Cinematography Award (Documentary) winner at Sundance Film Festival 2016
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Documentary, Drama, War
- Country of origin
- Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Afghanistan