Danish police thriller following prickly detective Carl Mørckis (Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Angels & Demons) as he heads up a newly established...
Danish police thriller following prickly detective Carl Mørckis (Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Angels & Demons) as he heads up a newly established cold case division. Despite being under explicit orders to keep his head down, he quickly reopens the mysterious case of a Copenhagen politician who vanished from a ferry five years ago... Based on the first book in Jussi Adler-Olsen's best-selling Department Q series of novels, adapted for the screen by the screenwriter of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the director of TV's Borgen.
Where to watch The Keeper of Lost Causes
The Keeper of Lost Causes | Details
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Thriller
- Country of origin
- Denmark, Germany, Sweden