A true story becomes a comedy-thriller in the hands of director Steven Soderbergh. Matt Damon plays Mark Whitacre, an Ivy...
A true story becomes a comedy-thriller in the hands of director Steven Soderbergh. Matt Damon plays Mark Whitacre, an Ivy League Ph.D. who was an executive at agri-business giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) in Illinois in the early 1990s.
Whitacre agreed to go undercover to help the FBI confirm price-fixing accusations but eventually cracked from the pressure. After working undercover for years, he became extremely manic, stopped sleeping during most nights, and was seen using a gas leaf blower on his driveway during a thunderstorm at three o'clock in the morning.
New Zealander Melanie Lynskey plays Whitacre's wife.
Where to watch The Informant!
The Informant! | Details
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Comedy, Thriller
- Country of origin