Oscar winner Sean Connery captains a supreme Soviet submarine in this adaptation of Tom Clancy's action thriller. Co-stars Alex Baldwin...
Oscar winner Sean Connery captains a supreme Soviet submarine in this adaptation of Tom Clancy's action thriller. Co-stars Alex Baldwin and Sam Neill, directed by John McTiernan (Die Hard).
Heading straight for the US, the American government believes Captain Marko Ramius (Connery) intends to attack. One CIA analyst, however, isn't quite sure—with Russian commands also scrambling to find Ramius, perhaps he's defecting. With the sub closing in, they only have a few hours to find the captain and determine the truth of the escalating situation.
In an attempt to replicate Top Gun's success in recruiting people for Naval aviation, Navy recruiters set up booths outside cinema screenings in the hope of getting people to join the service.
Where to watch The Hunt for Red October
The Hunt for Red October | Details
- Runtime
- 135
- Genre
- Thriller, War
- Country of origin