A young mother's son returns a changed boy after venturing out into the woods in this Irish horror from debut...
A young mother's son returns a changed boy after venturing out into the woods in this Irish horror from debut feature director Lee Cronin.
"Sarah moves her precocious son, Chris, to a secluded new home in a rural town, trying to ease his apprehensions as they hope for a fresh start after a difficult past. But after a startling encounter with a mysterious new neighbour, Sarah’s nerves are set on edge. Chris disappears in the night into the forest behind their house, and Sarah discovers an ominous, gaping sinkhole while searching for him. Though he returns, some disturbing behavioural changes emerge, and Sarah begins to worry that the boy who came back is not her son." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch The Hole in the Ground
The Hole in the Ground | Details
- Rating
- 15, Strong threat, horror
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Horror
- Country of origin
- Ireland