Proving truth is stranger than fiction, nowhere truer than in espionage, this Sundance Audience Award-winning documentary tells the extraordinary tale...
Proving truth is stranger than fiction, nowhere truer than in espionage, this Sundance Audience Award-winning documentary tells the extraordinary tale of Mosab Hassan Yousef -oldest son of a founding Hamas member, turned double agent by the Israeli secret service.
"Based on Yousef’s memoir, Son of Hamas, The Green Prince is a story of two men, spy and handler, whom history insists must be adversaries. That they could reach a point of trust or friendship seems absurd. Embroidering a tangled web of intrigue, terror, and betrayal, Nadav Schirman builds superb tension throughout a surprisingly emotional journey. Ultimately, The Green Prince is less about political struggle than personal coming-to-terms with responsibility and moral duty." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch The Green Prince
The Green Prince | Details
- Award winner
- Audience Award winner (Word Cinema - Documentary), Sundance Film Festival 2014
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Documentary, Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Germany, Israel, UK