Two middle-aged losers stumble upon a crime in this slice of life on the margins in Taiwan. Winner of the...
Two middle-aged losers stumble upon a crime in this slice of life on the margins in Taiwan. Winner of the Toronto Film Festival NETPAC Award.
"Pickle earns a pittance as night watchman at a statue factory specialising in bronze Buddhas. His best pal Belly Button makes even less scrounging for recyclables. How did their lives end up like this? “Birth is 8/10 of destiny,” says Pickle. Things change when they discover dash-cam footage of a murder. The first narrative feature by documaker Huang Hsin-yao is a free-wheeling delight. His ingeniously structured screenplay glides effortlessly from deadpan comedy to Hitchcockian thriller and humanist drama." (Sydney Film Festival)
The Great Buddha+ | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the NETPAC Award (Huang), 2018 Toronto International Film Festival
- Runtime
- 102
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Taiwan